Hello, Iā€™m Marcy Szymanski.

I have 30+ years of experience in the world of performing arts, including my MFA in Costume Design, Bachelor of Arts degree in theatre, and extensive work as a performer.

My background as an actor and dancer gives me a unique insight into how costumes must function for the body wearing them. My work as a designer allows me to create costumes driven by these needs. I consider fit, movement, comfort, practicality, and speed of changes among many other factors when designing. Performers who are safely and appropriately dressed are better able to do their jobs which greatly enhances the overall quality of any production.

Costume design is not fashion design. My goal is to understand how and why characters dress the way they do. I am inspired by the basic motivations for clothing the body; decoration, protection, modesty, and status, and how they have been practiced or rejected throughout human history. This foundational understanding of what drives dress is essential for effective costumes reflecting our world and worlds yet unknown.

Interested in working with Marcy?